Thursday, January 15, 2009

What I've noticed...

I'm about to toot my proverbial horn for a brief moment. It has been approximately 2 weeks since this 'quest' of mine to eat healthier. January 5th I made the conscious effort to not eat junk food and fast food type stuff. I don't feel like I've deprived myself, and when I really have a craving for something (ie, the shrimp/feta penne at BP), I've had it. Since this blog is all about acknowledgement, so far, in this short time I've noticed:

-a positive balance in my bank account 1 day before payday

-I've not had to take acid reducer pills on a regular basis (regular = twice daily, as I did before). I did have one after BP and the Doritos though.

-noticeably more energy. I've not fallen asleep while watching tv in the evenings except Saturday, and I can blame that on two things: very little sleep the night before AND BP for supper.

-I'm really not a fan of raw carrots without a large smattering of some sort of dip.

-perhaps a slight improvement in my mood; if you ask Chris he'll deny that altogether, as he feels I'm a little more sensitive of late. Yeah, detox sucks; giving up the deliciousness that is chips is rough.

-No wasting of food! So far we've gone through 2 tubs of yogourt, a tub of hummus, a crapload of eggs, healthy snack crackers...and none went in the garbage! We've been very diligent!

I still need to get off my lazy arse and exercise...I steps (that excuse is starting to get old, isn't it?).

1 comment:

  1. Amber, honey, I'm so proud of you!! both for sticking with it - and posting it for everyone to see. You are giving me inspiration (and lunch ideas!!). Good for you!!
