Friday, October 9, 2009


A new breakfast concoction that tastes so frickin good you figure it shouldn't be 'good' for you:

bowl of oatmeal with the following mixed in:
-1/2 handful of slivered almonds
-1/2 a small banana, diced
-a few chocolate chips (you don't need many)
-a small spoonful of peanut butter

Mix 'er up and enjoy.

Freaking delicious.I have to admit that this meal idea has been borrowed from a blog that I'm creeping on. I have full intentions of introducing myself to the lovely Angela of, and I've pulled the photo above from her blog. She's a wealth of healthy food knowledge and a true inspiration to anyone who is going through their own battle of eating healthier and trying to reduce a bit of extra plummage. Since reading her archives, I've already learned so much and I can only hope to be half as successful. Her rendition is a little more healthy than my own choice -- being that she uses peanut butter powder (didn't know about it, folks, until she posted about it), & raw oatmeal she cooked herself, but the way I figure it, even my choice is a whole lot healthier than a bowl of Froot Loops. Not that I eat those, but you know what I mean.

Check out Angie's blog, and the recipe above -- you'll thank yourself for both :)