Monday, February 7, 2011

Tomorrow is a new day...*sigh*


I doggone went and done it again. I've fell from my wagon, before the damn thing got off the speed ramp.  And, I hopped onto a scale just to see how bad the damage has been...and, let's just say I'm starting back at square one again.  As in, maybe 5lbs shy of what my original starting point had been before.  At least it's on the right side of the 5lbs.  But looking at it from a more realistic perspective, all the hard work that had been 2009 and the slacking that came forth thereafter has resulted in a 15lb gain from my original 20lb loss. EFF WORD.  But, I have only myself to blame. And I've only got myself to help me out of this mess (again).  I've done it before, right?  Seeing as I've already consumed two generous slices of Chris' nanny's homemade white bread slathered in delicious homemade strawberry jam today, I guess I'll start again -- tomorrow.