Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Tennis, anyone?

So I haven't been very adept at finding my long-lost wagon, much less hopping atop it. I maybe should read through last year's posts on this blog to try to take back a bit of the enthusiasm. I don't know how I did it last summer... This summer, all I've been craving is ice cream and bbq'd hotdogs. I did, however, find out that there is a sport that I don't loathe! Tennis, my friends, tennis. I played* a game of couples with Chris and his friend Marco, and Marco's son, Taylor. Taylor is an amazing tennis player, and Marco was a former coach, so they were both amazing to be in company with -- so patient and encouraging. Marco owns a sports store, and Chris has already ordered us both a tennis racket of our very own, and we do hope to take to the courts regularly.

*Now, I do use the term "played" rather loosely...the bulk of what 'exercise' I obtained was the bending over action as I went to retrieve the ball after the multitude of missed shots. I was rather unprepared, as well, and adorned in flip flops. Next time, I do intend to give it my "all" and perhaps work up more of a sweat ;). I shall surely report back how I fared.