Sunday, February 28, 2010

A new beginning

Pardon me whilst I do the walk of shame back to my "other" blog. You know when people say, "Oh this week has been a complete write-off...back on the wagon Monday"? I have been living a similar role...only it's been all of 2010. So, embarrassingly, and in hopes of revamping some freaking accountability for my actions and the crap I stick into my pie-hole, I greet you all again with a new-found journey back into being accountable.

Since around Christmas time (I actually did ok through the holidays) I know I've put on a few pounds of the lost poundage. I haven't been stepping on the scale at all regularly but I would hazard a guess in the 5-8 lb mark. In two months. Isn't the safe way to lose weight 1-2 lbs a month? Did I just eff up the next 8 months for myself? Jebus Chrisco. I didn't really draw this conclusion until I just wrote that sentence, you know.

Aside from the returned fluffiness I know I have to make some changes because I just don't feel well - constantly tired, zero energy, returned cravings of the forbidden kind...and I know it's all due to what I've stuffed into myself of late. And yes, "stuffed" - why let that one itty piece of cheesecake sit on the plate, looking lonely when I can stuff it in on top of the last one. Sure I'll feel too full, but it'll be worth it because it's cheesecake*, right?

Today, Chris and I are joining Marco & Krissy for the Olympic Gold game for hockey. I know there will be snacks; I know there will be beer. Starting tomorrow, there will be a return to the watching what I eat...and writing down my daily intake so I do have that accountability. You'd be surprised at how well the simple fact, "Oh I can't write that in my blog", will work for you. Well, let's hope it will again, anyway.

I should also dust off those 'new' sneakers in the closet, too, eh?

But, I refuse to let go of my comfort fit pants. Refuse. I would love, however, to purchase them in a smaller size, or two. we go : To new starts, new goals, and new challenges, and WINS.

To Monday.

*...or chips, or cookies, or cream cheese, or Lindor chocolates, or.........