Wednesday, January 7, 2009


One of my New Year "Goals" (I don't 'resolve' to do something because there's so much room for failure) is to become a healthier me. I'm starting in wee, baby steps...with the first being to try to eat healthier. Please understand that up until now I was in the poor habit of running through a fast-food drive-thru and chomping on burgers and fries for my lunch. It was that, or perhaps popping over to a local bakery and dining on their lunch specials (mostly pasta dishes, with a side roll or garlic bread). I'm a sensitive carbaholic. Don't judge.

Christopher has repeatedly made comments about his little belly (I think he's cute as he is). Despite the fact that he doesn't look overweight, his eating habits are horrendous...and you know how it is...when two people live in one home and one person eats horribly, so does the other. We're lazy. We don't like prep work. We go for the 'simple' alternatives, and they always lead to the unhealthy alternative...the foods that are full of processed everything, a bazillion milligrams of sodium, a ginormogram of fats, etc...

I'm hoping that he and I both can travel this journey together.

Last night, we took the $200 Sobeys gift certificates he received for Christmas and went shopping. We bought chicken breasts, veggies, fruits... I tried to pick up some healthy snacking choices, like hummus, cheese, salad fixings too... I hope to start a new 'habit' of making a lunch to take to work. I should not only eat better, but I hope it also helps the pocket book, too. To help me stay accountable, and on the pep-talking advice of a dear friend, I'm going to start journaling my food (eventually, if enough gumption hits me, I hope to also add some exercise. Man, I just wish I liked to exercise).

Today was a pretty good day - so far - but this is all before I head to Chris' parents house for Chinese food in celebration of Rose's birthday (heh, there's always a catch):


Mid-morning snack:
Trail Mix granola bar
coffee (I know I have to cut the coffee...eventually)

Highliner Shrimp & Wild Rice Dinner (frozen - not the best choice, but ...)
1/2 c. yogourt

Afternoon snack:
hummus with flat bread crackers
grapes to hell in a handbasket as I salivate in preparation for some eggrolls and chicken fried rice...

Tomorrow's a new day.

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