Saturday, January 31, 2009


yogourt & granola
small glass of fruit/veggie juice

Morning snack:

my leftovers from last night's supper: 1 shrimp/scallop kebab and rice pilaf

Mid-afternoon snack:
hummus & 1 pita

Chris & I were invited over to his parents' house* for his birthday supper, and it was fan-freakin-tastic! We supped on baked salmon, potatoes, veggies (carrots, peas, beans, corn and potoatoes), and spinach salad. For dessert, coffee and carrot cake (I purposely put no sugar in the coffee on account of the sugar in the cake. I figured it was a nice compromise? ;)). I could NOT refuse that carrot cake, and I'm glad that I didn't. Rose, thank you again for a delicious feed!

*Side-note: I hopped on the scale at the W's...if memory serves, the last time I visited (Chris' Mom's birthday first week of January) I also hopped on the scale. The jury's out on whether or not the scale itself is accurate with regards to actual weight...but aside from that, if memory serves, I'm down 13lbs from the last visit on the same scale??? That can't be right... I can't see where it moved from...I did hop on twice though. Can't argue with the scale though, right? Eeeeeee! :).


  1. Congrats on the weight loss!!! It is soooo hard to stick to a healthier eating plan and I applaud you for being able to do it. I've already lost my willpower since Jan. 1st and am starting AGAIN tomorrow.

  2. Thank you for the words of encouragement! Baby steps, right? :)

  3. I told you!! I am so proud of you!! You have gone from taking baby steps to huge strides, honey!! Way to go!
