Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Checkin' in...

Ok so I haven't been back to the food journalling -- and I think once the busy-ness of the summer season is over (ie, the cold beer on the hot deck, ice cream to cool thyself, visiting with people-from-away and eating nachos because I can days), I may return to that to get myself back on track. On the weekend, Chris and I popped into his parents' house for a quick second to drop something off so I had a pee stop and hopped on the scale. I will admit I was very frightened at what the scale would tell me...and yes, I am up as I expected, but only up by 2lbs. I expected about 10. Soooo...I'm maintaining my fluffy self for the most part. Now that Old Home Week is behind us, hopefully that means the end of the wicked humidity that was upon us and I can try to get a few walks in and start a routine. And yes, perhaps I should also dust off the Wii Fit. I like how the little message plays, "over a week ago since last check in", when I sign in to the Wii to play Super Mario Bros, rather than the actual amount of time since my last check in (ie, how many months ago Amber??!).
