Sunday, February 22, 2009

Snowshoeing is fun!

It’s fun, it’s easy, it’s relatively inexpensive and it burns up to 750 calories an hour. That’s about the same as an hour of jumping rope, and more than twice as much as walking. Snowshoeing is an absolutely fantastic cardio workout,” agrees Catherine D’Aoust, a Vancouver personal trainer who leads women’s snowshoeing classes as well as hikes. “This puts good stress on your heart. It’s also a low-impact activity, and your muscles and joints are stressed in different ways so you don’t get the overuse injuries that you might get running or playing tennis.” As well, snowshoeing is a killer lower-body workout. Walking in snow is tough, so it works the muscles in the legs and butt.

Full article:

Chris took me out snowshoeing today - it was my first time on a pair, and I'm happy to report that there were no wipe-outs or injuries to report! I'm also delighted to hear that it's good exercise, because it really isn't that hard. The hills were a bit challenging, and my left foot is really, really sore ever since, but I would do it again. One advantage of living in the Maritimes in the winter months, right?

I guess this is the first official report of 'exercise' since my whole 'healthier me' journey began last month. Shameful, I know...let's hope this excursion is the precursor to a lot more outings. I'm all for working out my ginormous badonkadonk... :) We estimate our hike was about 4kms (with the original intended course to be 2kms, but we got off course). It was nearly a 2hr hike, and it wasn't a flat terrain, being that we went along one of the groomed snowshoe trails at Brookvale Ski Park!

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